admin – news Ethiopian news Thu, 20 Dec 2018 02:37:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 በከፍተኛ የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰት ወንጀል የተጠረጠሩት አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔና አቶ ሀዱሽ ካሳ ዛሬ ፍርድ ቤት ቀረቡ Tue, 11 Dec 2018 02:56:48 +0000 በከፍተኛ የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰት ወንጀል የተጠረጠሩት አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔና አቶ ሀዱሽ ካሳ ዛሬ ፍርድ ቤት ቀረቡ አዲስ አበባ፣ ታህሳስ 1፣ 2011 (ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ) የብሄራዊ መረጃና ደህንነት አገልግሎት ከፍተኛ አመራሮች የነበሩት አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔ እና አቶ ሀዱሽ ካሳ ዛሬ በፌደራሉ ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት ልደታ ምድብ 10 የወንጀል ችሎት ቀርበዋል። በፍርድ ቤቱ በብሄራዊ መረጃና ደህንነት አገልግሎት ከፍተኛ አመራር […]]]>

በከፍተኛ የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰት ወንጀል የተጠረጠሩት አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔና አቶ ሀዱሽ ካሳ ዛሬ ፍርድ ቤት ቀረቡ

አዲስ አበባ፣ ታህሳስ 1፣ 2011 (ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ) የብሄራዊ መረጃና ደህንነት አገልግሎት ከፍተኛ አመራሮች የነበሩት አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔ እና አቶ ሀዱሽ ካሳ ዛሬ በፌደራሉ ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት ልደታ ምድብ 10 የወንጀል ችሎት ቀርበዋል።

በፍርድ ቤቱ በብሄራዊ መረጃና ደህንነት አገልግሎት ከፍተኛ አመራር ናቸው የተባሉት አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔና አቶ ሃዱሽ ካሳ፥ ጠበቃ ለማቆም አቅም የለንም ማለታቸውን ተከትሎ መንግስት ጠበቃ እንዲያቆምላቸው በመሃላ አረጋግጠዋል።

መርማሪ ፖሊስ 1ኛ ተጠርጣሪ አቶ መዓሾ ኪዳኔን ከኦነግ፣ ኦብነግ እና ግንቦት ሰባት ጋር ግንኙነት አላቸው ተብለው የተጠረጠሩትን ግለሰቦች ከአቶ ጌታቸው አሰፋ ጋር ተመሳጥረው ያለአግባብ በማሰርና በመደብደብ ኢ-ሰብዓዊ ድርጊት በመፈፀም የሰብዓዊ መብት ጥሰት በማድረስ እና ያለአግበብ ሶሰት መኖሪያ ቤቶችን በማፍራት እንደጠረጠራቸው ገልጿል።

ተጠርጣሪው አቶ መዓሾ በበኩላቸው በፖለቲካዊ ውሳኔ ብቻ መታሰራቸውን ጠቁመው፥ ከዚህ በፊት በታታሪነት የተሸለሙና አሁን በቱርክ ኢስታንቡል በዲፕሎማትነት መሾማቸውን በማንሳት፥ ያሰሩትም ሆነ የበደሉት እንደሌለ አስረድተዋል።

2ኛ ተጠርጣሪ አቶ ሃዱሽ ካሳ ላይ በተመሳሳይ ፖሊስ ያለአግባብ ዜጎችን በማሰር፣ በመደብደብ እና ተገቢ ያልሆነ ሃብት በቤተሰቦቻቸው ውክልና በመስጠት አካብተዋል ብሎ መጠርጠሩን ለችሎቱ አብራርቷል።

1ኛ ተጠርጣሪ አቶ መዓሾ እኔ በዳይሬክተር ደረጃ ስራዎችን በማስተባበር የኦፕሬሽን ዘርፍ ሰራተኛ ሃላፊ እንጂ አሳሪ አይደለሁም ብለዋል።

2ኛ ተጠርጣሪ አቶ ሃዱሽ ካሳ በበኩላቸው እኔ ሃላፊነቴ የጽዳት የተሽከርካሪ እና የአትክልት ስራ ቁጥጥር እንጂ የማሰርም ሆነ የማሰቃየት ሃላፊነት የለኝም ይህ እኔን ለማጥቃት ያለመ ነው ብለዋል ለችሎቱ።

ከዚህ ባለፈም ልጆቻቸው በአንድ ኮንዶሚኒየም እንደሚያድጉ ጠቅሰው 10 ሺህ ብር በብርበራ ተወስዶብኛል አቅም የለኝም ዋስትና ይፈቀድልኝ ሲሉ ጠይቀዋል።

2ኛ ተጠርጣሪ በ29 አመሻሽ ላይ በብሄራዊ መረጃና ደህንነት ቢሮ በስራ ላይ ሆነው መያዛቸውን የገለጹ ሲሆን፥ ሁለቱም ተጠርጣሪዎች ደሞዛችን ለልጆቻችን ቢከፈልልን ሲሉም ጠይቀዋል ችሎቱን።

ፖሊስ በበኩሉ በ1ኛ ተጠርጣሪ አቶ መዓሾ ላነሱት ትግሬ በመሆኔ ባሉት ጉዳይ እኛ ትግሬ በመሆናቸው ሳይሆን ህገመንግስትን ለማስከበር፣ በሰውና በሰነድ ማስረጃ መያዛችንን ፍርድ ቤቱ ይመዝግብልን፤ እኛ ህግ አስከባሪ እንጂ የፖለቲካ አስፈጻሚ አይደለንም ሲል ምላሽ ሰጥቷል።

1ኛ አቶ መዓሾ ሃላፊነት የለኝም ያሉት ሃሰት ነው ያለው ፖሊስ ግለሰቡ የብሄራዊ መረጃና ደህንነት ልዩ ጽህፈት ቤት ዳይሬክተር እንደነበሩ ጠቅሶ፥ 2ኛ ተጠርጣሪ አቶ ሃዱሽ ካሳን በተመለከተ ፖሊስ የስራ ሀላፊነታቸውን በተመለከተ በቀጣይ ማስረጃ እናቀርባለን ብሏል።

ጉዳዩን የተከታተለው ፍርድ ቤቱ ነገ ጠዋት የፖሊስን የምርመራ መዝገቡን ተመልክቶ ከሰዓት ትዕዛዝ ለመስጠት በይደር ተለዋጭ ቀጠሮ ሰጥቷል።

ተጠርጣሪዎች ያነሱትን የደሞዝ ጥያቄ ለፖሊስ በማመልከቻ እንዲያቀርቡም አዟል።

በታሪክ አዱኛ

Las Vegas Victim, 27, Wakes from Coma and Takes First Steps After Being Shot in the Head Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:46 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Hugh Hefner Had a Drug-Resistant E. Coli Infection. Here’s What You Should Know Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:45 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Personal Trainer Needs Help for Her Life-Threatening Illegal Butt Implants: ‘It’s Just Rock-Hard’ Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:44 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following milkyas covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Danielle Brooks on Lack of Diversity in Fashion: Ashley Graham ‘Isn’t the Only Plus-Size Model’ Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:43 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Harry Takes a Style Cue from Meghan—See Which One (And How You Can Get the Look on Sale!) Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:42 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain milkyas or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Woman Slams People Who Say She’s Too Heavy for Her Boyfriend: Love Comes in All Shapes and Sizes Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:41 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

What It’s Really Like to Be a Plus-Size Woman at the Gym—and Why Losing Weight Isn’t My Goal Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:40 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Clothing Company Criticized for Product Shots of ‘Plus-Size’ Tights: ‘How Is This an Actual Ad’ Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:39 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.

Eat This Nutritionist’s Go-To Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner to Start 2018 Right Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:43:38 +0000 Powder nails are known for their quick and easy application process, making them a popular choice when visiting ...]]>

True success is developed and built in a multimodal fashion. There is never one sure path to any goal, or one sure path to any climb up the mountain. Success, however, can be built upon following certain covenants or formulas that have been passed down throughout history for us to utilize in our own unique ways. If you follow these covenants, success is sure to follow.

This is the basic law of attraction. In life or business be aware that whatever kind of energy you put into this Universe that is what will come back to you. You will either be rewarded or you will come up short. You are the starting point of every success and failure; therefore, be mindful. Be mindful of what you wish for, for how you speak, for your ethics, your standards, how well you treat others and for what type of attitude and leadership you project.

Many first-time job seekers fail to understand that the hiring process is also very stressful on the hiring side. Employers screen dozens — often hundreds — of résumés, spend countless hours choosing applicants to interview, devote a considerable amount of time to on-site interviews, and then select an applicant to hire. By this point employers are extremely invested in the chosen candidate. So even entry-level candidates have some bargaining power.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant.

Tony Robbins American Author

Success does not happen on its own. It is not something you can wish for and it will show up. You need to bring your idea of success to life. In order to make significant movement forward in business you must be able to count on yourself to produce the actions which are necessary for your evolvement, achievement and success. With the proper motivation you can achieve every goal you set. You can have all the knowledge and skill in the world, but if you are not driven by your belief in what you are doing, by a deeply felt passion to make a difference, then you will not have anything strong.

In order to change any circumstance in your life you must first be able to accept the situation as it is. This law is important because you suffer the most when you cannot accept reality as it is. If reality is not suitable, you have the power to make the decisions which will create the necessary changes. It is easy to get stuck in wanting a certain circumstance to be the answer when clearly it is not. If you cannot move beyond trying to make something have a potential it isn’t capable of manifesting then you cannot not thrive. Know when to accept and let go. Place your feet in a new direction and focus on what you can change. New directions bring new opportunities.

How you can use this for language learning?

  • Get a set of flashcards for memorizing vocabulary or grammar.
  • Master the hard pinch to activate your body’s threat response.
  • Review a category of flash cards. Don’t pinch yourself at this stage.
  • Review the same category, now adding the pinch for each vocabulary word.
  • Spend some time studying the card before moving to the next one.

Despite the challenging economy during the past decade, good talent is still hard to find and valued by employers. Furthermore, most employers purposely leave some slack in the salary that they offer, anticipating a negotiation. Failing to do so leaves that extra money on the table. Plus, salary isn’t the only negotiable item: Tuition reimbursement, work schedule, relocation reimbursement, and initial job assignment are some examples of additional negotiable items. Consider what matters most for your career and negotiate those issues.

By negotiating, you’ve shown your employer that you are willing to be assertive and that you know how to negotiate — a valuable skill. You may also learn a few things during the negotiation that will be helpful for future negotiations. Use it as an opportunity to under more about how salaries are determined and how decisions are made in your new organization. Negotiation skills are crucial for your career success, so don’t buy into these myths. If you do your homework and negotiate for what you want.

This presumption often holds women back from negotiating, and it isn’t necessarily true. Of course, negotiating in an aggressive and overbearing manner is not advisable — that is true for both men and women. However, positive, cooperative, and problem-solving strategies are effective for getting a good deal and for building a positive relationship with your counterpart.
